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Currently consumers look for pleasing and gratifying nutriments, which cater to the pleasure of the senses in a wider sense. This leads us to new alimentary habits. Three elements have become the pillars of our company strategy: a cultural historical factor which has determined the selection of the delicacies which have delighted even the most demanding palates; the second deals with preserving the essence of our traditions whilst taking advantage of the opportunities of technology; finally, health: the dietetic nutritive aspects. The ingredients not only conserve their own flavour, but in fact highlight their original flavour.

Salmantrade products follow a rigorous surveillance system which allows us to trace both the origin of the products and the specific steps of their processing. Provides quality guarantees with official seals: each manufacturer has complied with the norms of the corresponding certifier.

Salmantrade is a synonym for quality, formality and service.
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FUENTES DE BÉJAR, SALAMANCA, ESPAÑA • +34 923 151 762 • +34 650 476 089 • salmantrade@salmantrade.com